Wednesday 2 January 2013

Snuggle Up With 'Warm Bodies' First 4 Minutes

Hollywood Crush

Snuggle Up With 'Warm Bodies' First 4 Minutes

Warm BodiesEveryone knows that the week between Christmas and New Year's is always just kind of... y'know... dead. Which means that today's juicy new peek at this year's first, best book-to-movie blockbuster adaptation "Warm Bodies" is both very welcome and highly appropriate!

The first four minutes of the film hit the internet last night (via Fandango), offering us a positively charming preview of the zombie drama to come—but also fitting right in with the general draggy mood of this mid-holiday slowdown. Seriously, the sluggish undead action of the opening airport scene? Virtually indistinguishable from the grunting and stumbling of our Uncle Barry as he wanders the house in search of leftover eggnog. Except that Uncle Barry is still alive. We think.

Anyway! The movie's first minutes mirror the source material: a first-person introduction to the post-apocalyptic landscape by the story's zombie protagonist, "R." (The singular initial is one of the few remaining fragments of his human identity, along with a dry sense of humor and a red hoodie covered in unidentifiable stains.) Played with deadpan, drooling allure by Nicolas Hoult, R wanders through his new home in the airport terminal while offering up his observations on the end of the world, guessing at the one-time occupations of his fellow zombies, and craving a chance to express himself... or to sink his teeth into the soft, warm brain of a screaming human. Whichever, really.

So grab a slice of leftover holiday ham, check out the extended peek at this year's most undead, unlikely romance, and mark your calendar: "Warm Bodies" hits theaters February 1.

What do you think of this sneak peek at "Warm Bodies"? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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