Wednesday 12 December 2012

James Franco's New Music Video: 3 Major Moments Of Cuteness

Hollywood Crush

James Franco's New Music Video: 3 Major Moments Of Cuteness

James Franco, the esoteric and illustrious wearer of many entertainment hats, is trying on a new one these days with his latest project: a Motown mash-up band called, simply, "Daddy." And if you're wondering what a Franco-issue musical endeavor might look like, check this out: MTV has the EXCLUSIVE debut on his new music video for the soulful song, "Can't Say Goodbye."

Which, because James Franco has magic juice running in his veins and succeeds at everything he does, is a very respectable entree into the oeuvre—as we're sure the music critics will no doubt be discussing all day. But us? We're more interested in the fact that this music video is composed entirely of clips from the Franco family's old-school home movies, featuring a teeny tiny James Franco doing adorable kid things. And it's highly watchable all the way through, but you'll want to keep an extra close eye out for the three following moments of extraordinary cuteness:

Wearing nothing but a diaper and a big, gleeful grin, baby James Franco plays with a water hose.

Slick moves, bro! Clad in the signature elastic-ankled sweatpants of the 1980s, James delivers a high kick to a punching bag...and then stumbles all over the place.

It's actually hard to spot the star in this music video moment. Why? Because he's standing with a group of a dozen little kids, all wearing adorable paper pig masks. That's why.

Click on over to MTV News for an interview with James, in which he talks about the very personal inspiration for "Can't Say Goodbye" and its video.

Watch the music video for James Franco's "Can't Say Goodbye"!

What was your favorite home movie moment from James Franco's new music video? Sound off in the comments and on Twitter!

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