Thursday 13 June 2013

'Veronica Mars' Movie Welcomes A Few Familiar Faces

Hollywood Crush

'Veronica Mars' Movie Welcomes A Few Familiar Faces

Tina Majorino"Veronica Mars" fans have some casting news to celebrate. According to the show’s creator, Rob Thomas, a bunch of familiar faces have just signed on to the project, set to begin production next week.

Per an email (via E! News) sent out to the folks who donated to the Kickstarter campaign, Tina Majorino will be back to play Mac once again.

"I really wanted Tina in 'Veronica Mars.' To say I wrote Mac with Tina in mind would be an understatement. I wrote Mac for Tina, and Tina only,” Rob said in the email. "Veronica needed a female friend, and a Q to her Bond. Tina felt like just the sort of girl that Veronica would like and respect. I couldn't be more pleased that she'll be with us for the movie."

Joining Tina and Kristen Bell, who plays the movie's titular sleuth, are Amanda Noret (Madison Sinclair), Sam Huntington (Luke Haldeman) and Daran Norris (Cliff McCormack).

MTV News spoke to Chris Lowell earlier this spring, who opened up about having no reservations reprising his role of Piz in the flick, set for release in 2014, and how excited he was that the fans are enthusiastic for the project to finally hit the big screen.

"I think Rob [Thomas is] gonna give the fans exactly the movie that they have paid for, literally. I think we were all really shocked," Chris said. "I remember talking to Kristen and Rob the night before they launched it and them being like, ‘I hope this... This could be a massive embarrassment.' And then, to get a call 10 hours later from launch being like, 'We funded it,' was crazy. You know what I mean? So I’m really looking forward to it."

So...are you really looking forward to the "Veronica Mars" movie? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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