Friday 16 August 2013

'The Fault In Our Stars' Taps Sam Trammell For Dad Duty

Hollywood Crush

'The Fault In Our Stars' Taps Sam Trammell For Dad Duty

Sam TrammellThe big-screen adaptation of "The Fault in Our Stars" is looking a bit shifty these days, isn't it? Ha! Hahaha! Bwahahahaaaa! ...Yeah, okay, but we had to. Because the dish from The Wrap is that Sam Trammell, the figurative (and occasionally literal!) silver fox of Bon Temps, is joining the cast of the much-anticipated teen tearjerker in the role of Hazel's dad.

For the uninitiated, "The Fault in Our Stars" is the story of Hazel Lancaster and Augustus Waters, two teenagers who fall in love while both are battling cancer. Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort are starring, and Sam will be joining Laura Dern as the other half of Hazel's parental unit—a nice chance for him to show off his range as an actor in a role that's a little more family-manly (and a world that's a little less gory, sexy and supernatural) than the one he inhabits on "True Blood,"

That's the good news. The bad news is, the "TFiOS" storyline being what it is, this is one project on which the chances of seeing Sam strip naked and then transform into a horse or a bug or something are pretty much nil...but hey, never say never. Maybe they'll write it in!

Are you psyched to see Sam on board "TFiOS"?

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