Wednesday 3 October 2012

It's Date Night On 'New Girl'

Hollywood Crush

It's Date Night On 'New Girl'

Here's one for all you Jess and Nick shippers. Though the "New Girl" stars told us recently that their characters probably won't be committing to each other (romantically) anytime soon, Zooey Deschanel did tweet out this intriguing tease of tonight's episode.

We'll have to tune in to find out what sort of date this actually is, but we do know from last week's casting scoop that Nick will find love—at least temporarily—with guest star Olivia Munn, while it looks like Jess will continue casually with cutie David Walton.

Are you hoping Jess and Nick end up together? Will you be tuning in to tonight's episode? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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