Tuesday 16 October 2012

Miley Cyrus Goes Girly P.I. In 'So Undercover' Trailer

Hollywood Crush

Miley Cyrus Goes Girly P.I. In 'So Undercover' Trailer

Miley CyrusThere's nothing more fun than a Tough Girl Goes Glam movie (we don't care what you say, "Miss Congeniality" is a work of ART and GENIUS), and today brought some good news for fans of the oeuvre: Miley Cyrus, fresh on the heels of a very busy summer, will be starring in a college-aged take on this favorite trope! The trailer is out; the movie is "So Undercover," featuring Miley as a teenage private eye who's assigned by the FBI to protect a college student whose family has ties to the mob.

As you might guess by its title modifier, "So Undercover" revolves around sorority life—and true to its genre, it'll require Miley's streetwise character to undergo a highly entertaining and major transformation from tomboy teen to glam girl. (Also required: at least one scene in which the newly made-over Miley goes buns-over-teakettle 'cause she can't walk in high heels. This has to happen, or the very fabric of the universe will rip apart.)

And since a movie like this requires a cast of fun friends to round it out and give it some edge, let's note with approval that Jeremy Piven and Miley's real-life ladyfriend Kelly Osbourne will be playing supporting roles. Oh, yeah, there's also that hunky dude from "Revenge." NBD.

What do you think: Does "So Undercover" look like fun? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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