Friday 5 October 2012

We're Obsessed With 'Pitch Perfect' Star Rebel Wilson

Hollywood Crush

We're Obsessed With 'Pitch Perfect' Star Rebel Wilson

by Jessica Marshall

Welcome to Obsessed, a new weekly feature in which we shamelessly gush about our latest pop-culture preoccupation. This week, we're fangirling over "Pitch Perfect" star Rebel Wilson.

If I knew actress Rebel Wilson in real life, we'd totally be BFFs. She says she likes theme parks, mermaids and pink backgrounds on her Twitter page. Those three things define my very existence. She's a hardcore rapper who Shooped with Ellen—a secret fantasy of mine. And since I saw her kick off her shoe in a fit of passion, almost killing Bryan Cranston while belting Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory" on the "Tonight Show" earlier this week, I'm officially obsessed with her.

This Australian comedienne is blowing up in America these days, with large-in-charge roles in hit movies like "Bridesmaids," "Bachelorette" and most recently as Fat Amy in "Pitch Perfect." She's getting a lot of buzz this week in particular from her hilarious talk show appearances promoting "Pitch Perfect." One of them being the aforementioned shoe hurling that made Lady Gaga almost pee her pants.

She's big, she's bold, she's super blonde, and I can't help but think that she looks like a much prettier female version of Jonah Hill. Her schtick is comedy gold—self-deprecating humor in the form of outlandish comments and acts performed so honestly that it literally shocks you into laughing. But it thankfully lacks that pesky Jonah Hill/Seth Rogen/Judd Apatow aftereffect of making you feel extremely uncomfortable. Instead, you find yourself inspired by her candor. She makes you well aware that she is well aware of her limitations, physically or otherwise, and she kinda just pushes past them. If they don't matter to her, they don't end up mattering to her audience. Case in point, why her "Pitch Perfect" character, Fat Amy, calls herself Fat Amy. So you don't have to. She's not trying to be something she's not, as she recently pointed out in a tweet:

@RebelWilson ATTN guys who don't think I'm hot: um, NEWSFLASH! I'm not trying to be hot. I'm just trying to be a good actress and entertain people.

Love that attitude, Rebel. Srsly, can we be friends? Please???

And she's not only a performer, she's also a talented writer and producer. She's currently drumming up a pilot for "Super Fun Night," a comedy series slated for ABC. She will star alongside two yet-to-be-named gals as three friends who try their darnedest to have a night of "super fun" every Friday. Sounds like my weekly routine already!

If you haven't yet witnessed the talents of Ms. Wilson, it's high time you did. She's so hot right now.

Are you Obsessed with Rebel Wilson too? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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