Saturday 17 November 2012

New 'Beautiful Creatures' Trailer Is Black Magical

Hollywood Crush

New 'Beautiful Creatures' Trailer Is Black Magical

Preheat your cauldron and flex your spell-casting muscles, ladies and gentlemen: the "Beautiful Creatures" movie will hit theaters only three months from now, and things are about get particularly witchy around here...only right, sorry, y'all prefer the term "casters."

The second trailer for the first film in the supernatural saga has finally hit the web, and if you like southern gothic, snazzy special effects, syrupy accents and passionate makeouts to a throbbing soundtrack of Florence and the Machine, then you're really gonna like it. (And if you don't like these things, then GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE WE TURN YOU INTO A NEWT.)

The trailer still has little Lena Duchannes front and center, watching as her magical wrist tattoo counts down the days until she finds out the answer to the all-important question: Are you a good witch, or a bad witch? (Sorry, right, caster... but c'mon, ladies, it just doesn't have the same ring to it.) But this time around, there's a whole lot more meat for drooling fans to sink their teeth into, including more of Emmy Rossum's deliciously devilish Ridley, more of Emma Thompson's unhinged (and extremely sweaty) Sarafine, more peeks at some of the amazing special effects in store—including the dark casters' glittering pyrite eyes and creeping spells that look like black magic spiderwebs—and, best of all, more face-on-face mashing between Lena and Ethan! Who, if the trailer is to be believed, spend at least 75 percent of their scenes together furiously chewing on each other's mouths, and we are not complaining.

Delicious! And with a release date in mid-February, this will be one dark, sexy Valentine we'll be thrilled to receive; "Beautiful Creatures" hits theaters February 13, 2013.

Watch the trailer at Apple!

What do you think of the new "Beautiful Creatures" trailer?

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