Tuesday 6 November 2012

Twi-Fight Final Four: When Vampires Bite

Hollywood Crush

Twi-Fight Final Four: When Vampires Bite

The end is near—not only for one of our favorite film franchises, but also for MTV News' hotly contested Twi-Fight Saga, in which 64 of Stephenie Meyer's vampires, werewolves and humans have been battling it out for the title of No. 1 "Twilight" character.

The Final Four is officially underway, and it's all vamps, all the time. You may recall that Fork's finest (a.k.a. Charlie Swan) was the last human standing in our Elite Eight round, and well, he finally fell at the hands of newborn bloodsucker Bella. (And this, after she showed up mom Renee in the second round!)

Clearly, this is Edward and Bella's tournament to lose. Mrs. Cullen now faces brother-in-law Jasper, while Mr. Cullen hopes to best Denali coven dame Kate, who should definitely win some kind of honor for being the longest-lasting bottom seed. (We're still scratching our head over how she beat Emmett...)

Anyway! It's your time, Twilighters. Click on over to Twilight.MTV.com to cast your vote now for the No. 1 "Twilight" character. Final Four voting will close November 8, when the top two contenders will be announced. And it all ends November 12, when the most badass bloodsucker will be crowned!

Who do you think will take our entire "Twilight" tournament? Tell us in the comments and on Twitter!

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