Monday 19 November 2012

You've Seen 'Em All, But Which 'Twilight' Film Is Your Fave?

Hollywood Crush

You've Seen 'Em All, But Which 'Twilight' Film Is Your Fave?

Breaking Dawn - Part 2And just like that, it's over.

For the first time in five years, fans of "The Twilight Saga" awoke this week to a world without anticipation. The battle is won! The Cullens are wed! The Renesmee is safe! And with "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" out in theaters as of three days ago, there will be no more sparkly vampires in Hollywood for the foreseeable future...and yes, let's all shed a few small, bitter tears for the end of an era, 'cause it's been quite a ride.

But with nothing to look forward to, this is the perfect time to look back—at five whole movies that tell the story of Bella Swan and her fateful journey to the un-sunny land Forks. From the opening credits of "Twilight" to romantic entanglements of "Eclipse" to the awesome end-game action of "Breaking Dawn - Part 2," this has been one of the best-loved and most successful franchises in the history of Hollywood. And now that all five films are nice and fresh in your mind (because we know you re-watched the first four before heading out to see the grande finale this weekend), curious bloggers want to know: which of the "Twilight" Saga's cinematic efforts was your absolute faaaavorite favorite?

No, really, which one?

Tell us why you love the "Twilight" film you picked in the comments below!

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