Monday 26 November 2012

Thankful Week: A 'Hunger Games' Buffet

Hollywood Crush

Thankful Week: A 'Hunger Games' Buffet

Whether you swoon for a sparkly vampire romance or yearn to smite your enemies in a nationally-televised battle to the dystopian death, 2012 has been a very good year for fans of YA book-turned-major-movie franchises—and for the Hollywood pros who get to work on them! And by way of celebrating this year's Thanksgiving holiday, we've been checking in with some of our favorite celebs to see how they're getting their gratitude on during this magical week. Including the young Peeta Mellark himself, Josh Hutcherson!

In an interview with MTV News, Josh gave an enthusiastic thumbs up to not just "The Hunger Games" role that made him a household name, but to the year 2012 in general.

Said Josh, "I had a lot of work that came out this year and was pretty successful thus far, so it was exciting for me. It definitely exceeded my expectations." And if the dire predictions of a 2012 apocalypse pan out, well, that's okay with him: "It's a good way to end the world," he said of his year.

Among those expectation-exceeding experiences: the multi-country tour to promote "The Hunger Games," which brought Josh to a host of new cities for the very first time. And he also says he's glad to have shared so many "firsts" with a pair of great new friends, Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth. But it doesn't stop there! Because of all the things Josh found to be thankful for, he took particular care to talk about "Gigolos"...the reality show, of course, not the rare breed of male prostitute who frequents airports in Belgium.

"I am watching 'Gigolos,'" he replied, when asked if the show remained on his list of pop cultural things to give thanks for. "I haven't been caught up to date with the most recent episode, but when I was in Atlanta, I was getting my 'Gigolo' on."

Click on over to MTV News for more of Josh Hutcherson's Thankful Week interview!

What do you think of Josh's Thanksgiving list?

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