Saturday 13 April 2013

Pucker Up: A Smooching Expert Sizes Up The Best Kiss Nominees

Hollywood Crush

Pucker Up: A Smooching Expert Sizes Up The Best Kiss Nominees

If you're still deliberating as to which qualified candidates for MTV Movie Awards supremacy should get your vote...well, hey, we understand! After all, this is serious business; you can't just have some rando candidate running around with a Golden Popcorn in their hands. But since your window of opportunity to vote is closing fast—like, only-48-hours-to-go fast—we're devoting this last day before Awards weekend to an all-important voter education initiative: wherein we call in an expert to analyze the likely winners in a competitive category.

Under scrutiny today: the Best Kiss contenders! And while we all like to think that we're experts in kissing, the man weighing in on our nominees actually wrote the book on it, so listen up. William Cane, author of "The Art of Kissing," viewed all five clips in contention for the "Best Kiss" title...and while he admits that pretty much all the nominees follow proper kissing protocol, he declared Logan Lerman's passionate kiss with Emma Watson in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" his favorite for the win.

"His emotion in the scene was palpable, you could feel it," Cane explained. "And Emma Watson did a fantastic job of staying right in the moment with him."

According to our expert, the actors' powerful chemistry is the first thing that makes the scene compelling: "You can see that the kiss begins in an emotional way," he said, giving props to Logan for the way he madly rushes to smooch Emma at the tail end of a heartfelt speech. "He channels his emotion by moving, getting right up to the girl and getting his lips on her, right when he's at the height of his feelings. What a great way to segue from words to deeds."

And as for the technique of the two lovebirds, Cane says it's aces.

"The kiss itself is nicely executed. He places his hands under the angle of her jaw, gently—which is a terrific thing to do when kissing. A lot of people, especially women, complain that guys don't know how to use their hands during a kiss," he explained. "But in this case, Logan Lerman used the hands in an appropriate, caressing, romantic movement."

Psssst! You hear that, boys? Make with the appropriate, caressing movements, and we'll all get along famously—and possibly even win awards for our smooching skills. Just saying.

Meanwhile, Cane assures us that whomever you deem the most worthy of your vote, you really can't go wrong with any of our nominees...although in general, the expectoratory flourish that Jared Gilman puts on his smooch in "Moonrise Kingdom" should probably be avoided.

"I laughed," said our expert. "I did laugh. But that's not romantic."

Will Jennifer Lawrence get her silver lining in the form of a Golden Popcorn? Which beefcake will sizzle in our brand-new Best Shirtless Performance category? It's up to you to decide the winners of the 2013 MTV Movie Awards! Vote now, and tune in Sunday, April 14 at 9 p.m. ET, as star Rebel Wilson takes the stage at the Sony Pictures Studios lot in Culver City, California.

Whose smooch would you give your vote to?

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