Monday 29 April 2013

The 'Tiger Eyes' Trailer Is Here At Last

Hollywood Crush

The 'Tiger Eyes' Trailer Is Here At Last

Tiger EyesThe soon-to-be-released "Tiger Eyes" has long been our most anticipated book-to-movie adaptation that doesn't involve teenagers murdering each other in a televised tournament for public enjoyment, but there's been an infuriating dearth of promotional buzz and tease-y stuff leading up to the film's June release—leading Judy Blume fans everywhere to lie awake at night consumed by worry that something had gone horribly wrong, preventing the film from getting all the attention it deserved. But no more! Because there's a trailer! Finally! And best of all, it looks to be a completely wonderful and faithful adaptation of the beloved source material.

The film stars Willa Holland as Davey, a teenage girl whose family moves across the country to New Mexico after her father is killed. It's the beginning of a tremendous journey of self-discovery as Davey tries to cope with her grief, rebuild her life and negotiate the guilt she feels over her father's death—all while having her eyes opened to the struggles of other people against their own personal demons.

The trailer, set to the song "Come Awake" by The Lower 48, has lots of sweeping southwestern vistas intercut with shots of Davey as she runs the emotional gamut from mournful to angry to hopeful to yearning (and even in this brief preview of the movie to come, it's obvious that Willa Holland is an actress with amazing range—the perfect choice to play this challenging role). Plus, we get a peek at New Mexico native Elise Eberle giving a great performance at Davey's friend Jane, and Tatanka Means in his swoon-worthy role as Wolf. All in all, it looks like "Tiger Eyes," the movie will deliver in all the same ways as "Tiger Eyes," the book: offering a meditative, nuanced, moving portrait of a young woman coming of age through grief.

"Tiger Eyes" hits theaters and on demand June 7.

What do you think of our first peek at "Tiger Eyes"?

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